ͼƬ 小学英语作文:今天我十分高兴(Today I’m very h_必威体育betway登录_必威app官方下载-平台|官网


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小学英语作文:今天我十分高兴(Today I’m very h

来源::未知 | 作者:必威体育betway登录_必威app官方下载-平台|官网 | 本文已影响
    Today is sunday, We are going to the mountain climbing, The baiyun mountain. We are goingto there by bus.There’re beautiful.there are many trees.the birds are singing the songs.I thing,The children,The old man, The everyone will like it.after lunch,We are goning to the Mo xingling. Mo xingling is tallest of baiyun mountain.It’s very tall.At last,we are go back home.

    Today I’m very happy.
